Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Good definitions of sustainability

I'm going to keep a running list of definitions I love. (There are so many!)

Here's one for today:

“A sustainable community is one that is economically, environmentally, and socially healthy and
resilient. It meets challenges through integrated solutions rather than through fragmented
approaches that meet one of those goals at the expense of the others. And it takes a long-term
perspective— one that's focused on both the present and future, well beyond the next budget or
election cycle.”  - Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC 1997)

"Minneapolis is a city that people choose to call home. It offers its residents a progressive tradition of good government, civic participation and a vibrant economy for business and industry. In Minneapolis, residents cherish their children, value education, embrace their diversity, respect their neighbors and protect their environment. Their promise to future generations is an even greater, more beautiful city than the one they inherited."  Minneapolis city vision.